Accelerating Offshore Wind Projects

Youwind reduces the cost and time of the development phase of your projects by up to 80%.

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User Friendly Platform

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+15 years of experience in the market

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High confidentiality standards

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Youwind Model

Poweful analytics has never been so intuative

Youwind Model is a disrupting cloud-based IT system that optimizes the financials of an offshore wind farm, while integrating engineering functions with a usability mindset as never imagined before.
Youwind Model performs powerful analytics, handles big data and keeps traceability of al steps and users, resulting in a revolutionary system for the development of an offshore wind farm project, from early stages to installation planning and logistics.

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Interactive visualization platform to accelerate early stage screening like never seen before

When starting a new offshore wind project, complex multi-criteria challenges arise: Wind Resource, Foundations, Selection (Bottom and Floating), Bathymetry, Cementation types, Turbine types, Ports, Regulation, Yield, and many more.
The constant use of experts and resources are required to best account for the future CAPEX/OPEX and LCOE of the future project. Pixel simplifies that.

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Pixel Park

Interactive visualization platform to accelerate early stage screening like never seen before

When starting a new offshore wind project, complex multi-criteria challenges arise: Wind Resource, Foundations, Selection (Bottom and Floating), Bathymetry, Cementation types, Turbine types, Ports, Regulation, Yield, and many more.
The constant use of experts and resources are required to best account for the future CAPEX/OPEX and LCOE of the future project. Pixel simplifies that.

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We dare to optimize any installation scenario for offshore wind projects - weather downtime estimates for real

One day delay waiting with an offshore installation vessel can cost up to 250 thousand euros. Components installation can compromise about 35% of offshore CAPEX. By choosing the correct installation harbour, analysing the right metaocean data and installation assests, costs and risks can be kept at a minimum with OptiWindow. It is time to get a grip on weather downtime estimates thanks to OptiWindow's powerful statistics methods on big data.

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Our clients and partners
Naturgy logo
Parkwind logo
Copenhagen Energy logo
Corio logo
Bluenewables logo
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Eselec logo
Vortex logo
Rannis logo
RU logo UPC logo
Other services
Youwind is an engineering company that provides IT-Solutions, consulting services and workshops for the Offshore Wind Industry.

Our areas of expertise are early stage screening, development, budgeting, and contract negotiation when designing offshore wind projects.


Youwind performs project cost predictions based on statistical models and advanved simulations that covers capital expenditure, operational expenditure, development cost and decommissioning costs.


Youwind experts team provides a wide range of services and trainings for developers, suppliers, investment banks, and authorities working in the offshore wind industry.

About us

At Youwind we are a ream of diverse professionals with years of experience in multiple fields of technology, engineering and sustainability.

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Development Update: February 2023

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